Lagos and Asaba are two of the most important cities in Nigeria. Lagos is the commercial capital of the country, while Asaba is the capital of the Delta State. The two cities are located about 818 kilometers apart, and there are a number of ways to travel between them.

Lagos To Asaba Flight Price In Naira

One of the most popular ways to travel from Lagos to Asaba is by air. There are a number of airlines that offer direct flights between the two cities, including Air Peace, Arik Air, and Azman Air. The flight time is about one hour and 10 minutes.

The cost of a flight from Lagos to Asaba varies depending on the airline, the time of year, and the day of the week. However, you can expect to pay anywhere from ₦40,000 to ₦60,000 for a one-way ticket.

If you are looking for a cheaper way to travel between Lagos and Asaba, you can take the bus. There are a number of bus companies that offer services between the two cities, including GUO Transport, Young Shall Grow Motors, and Peace Mass Transit. The journey takes about 12 hours.

The cost of a bus ticket from Lagos to Asaba is about ₦10,500.

You can also travel from Lagos to Asaba by train. The train journey takes about 10 hours, and there are two trains that depart from Lagos each day. The cost of a train ticket is about ₦3,000.

Finally, you can also travel from Lagos to Asaba by road. The journey takes about 12 hours, and you will need to take a taxi or a private car. The cost of a taxi or a private car will vary depending on the distance you travel and the time of day.

Factors That Affect The Cost Of A Flight From Lagos To Asaba

There are a number of factors that can affect the cost of a flight from Lagos to Asaba, including:

The airline

The time of year

The day of the week

The time of day

The availability of seats

The type of ticket

If you are flexible with your travel dates, you can often find cheaper flights by flying during the off-season or on weekdays. You can also save money by booking your flight in advance.

Tips For Finding Cheap Flights From Lagos To Asaba

There are a number of things you can do to find cheap flights from Lagos to Asaba, including:

Be flexible with your travel dates.

Book your flight in advance.

Compare prices from different airlines.

Consider flying during the off-season.

Fly on weekdays instead of weekends.

Sign up for email alerts from airlines so you can be notified of special deals and discounts.


There are a number of ways to travel from Lagos to Asaba. The best way for you will depend on your budget and your preferences. If you are looking for a quick and convenient way to travel, you can fly. If you are looking for a cheaper way to travel, you can take the bus or the train. And if you are looking for an adventure, you can travel by road.


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